Reminder: Parking Registration Due End of Month

Below you will find a registration form that must be completed for each vehicle that you own and park on Raintree property. Please complete this form and mail it with a copy of your current registration for each vehicle to the following address no later than September 1st, 2017:
Raintree HOA Parking Permit Application
c/o Gates Hudson Community Management
3020 Hamaker Court Suite 300
Fairfax, Virginia 22031-2220
Each household will receive a maximum of three stickers and one visitor-hanging tag. Stickers must be displayed on the outside of the rear window in the lower left corner as you face the rear window of the vehicle. Hanging tags are for guest use only and must be hung on the rear view mirror facing outward toward the windshield.
A fourth Parking Decal may be evaluated on a case by case basis. The fourth decal will grant access to the rear auxiliary lot only. The fourth decal will be valid for that calendar year only, and must be reapplied for on an annual basis. The fourth decal will require an annual fee of $150 to be paid by the homeowner, at the time of application.

Download (PDF, 154KB)

Impromptu Board Meeting Tuesday, Followed by June Meeting on 22nd

Consider this advanced notice that there will be an impromptu board of directors meeting this Tuesday 6:30pm at 7911 Carrousel Court. The board will be moving immediately into executive session, which is closed to non-board members.

If you have issues you would like to discuss with the board, please attend the regularly scheduled monthly board meeting, details of which are below:


Thursday 22 June

7:00 – 8:30 PM


Important Community Meeting Affecting Your Property this Monday

Homeowners, this Monday Supervisor Penelope A. Gross will hold a community meeting to discuss a Comprehensive Plan amendment proposed in the Mason Supervisor District. You are invited to attend the meeting to learn about the proposed changes and ask any questions you may have. The meeting will be held as follows:

Monday, April 17, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
Mason District Governmental Center
6507 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003

The proposal concerns the land immediately adjacent to Raintree’s property – approximately 9.5 acres of land located south of Gallows Road, north of Libeau Lane and east of the Raintree neighborhood (Tax Map Parcels 59-2 ((1)) 29A, 29B, 30-36, 38-43 and 43A) in the Mason Supervisor District.

The current Comprehensive Plan recommends residential use at a density of 1-2 dwelling units per acre, but this proposal is to amend the Comprehensive Plan to recommend residential use at a density of 5-8 dwelling units per acre. If a rezoning of the property is subsequently approved by the Board of Supervisors, this will most likely result in the construction of approximately 76 4-story townhomes next door to the Raintree property.

The Plan amendment website can be viewed online at: pz/fairfaxforward/pa/gallowsrd consolidation/.

If you are unable to attend the community meeting, but have questions or would like more information please contact Mike Van Atta in the Planning Division at Michael.Vanatta@fairfaxcounty. gov or 703-324-1380.